Anyone who owns a scooter will eventually need to transport it. Your scooter could break down and need repair, making it unsafe to drive to the mechanic. You could travel out-of-town and want access to your commuter vehicle in addition to your scooter. There are plenty of situations where you’ll need to haul your scooter somewhere else—and you won’t want to be stressed trying to figure it out a few minutes before you need to leave. That’s why we created this guide compiling some of our most helpful scooter transportation tips. If you have questions or need to get your scooter repaired, visit the experts at Interstate Cycles,  located in Lake City, Florida.

1. Use a Motorcycle Trailer

A motorcycle trailer is designed for easy, efficient transportation of vehicles. The various models are built low to the ground, which makes loading your scooter a breeze. We recommend this approach for the safe, secure transportation of your scooter to your destination.

2. Use Your Truck

If you don't own a motorcycle trailer, your truck bed can be a second-best alternative. You'll need some tools and techniques to ensure a smooth loading process, which we discuss below.

The Truck

First, make sure your truck can handle the weight of your scooter. It should be fine, but remember to account for all the weight the truck is handling on the given trip, such as other passengers and other vehicles. Exceeding the weight limit is dangerous and can cause damage to your truck and scooter.

Second, try to use a truck with a lower load height and a longer bed. This will make the loading process much easier.

Third, situate your truck on a slight incline and with the truck bed tilted down. This helps you work smarter, not harder, when loading your scooter.

The Ramp

Ramps come in a range of styles and sizes, allowing you to select the model that is most compatible with your scooter and vehicle. As you browse options, you'll need to consider a few key factors.

First, do you want a straight or arched ramp? An arched ramp is able to turn one sharp angle into multiple smaller angles. A straight ramp, in contrast, gives a straight path to the truck bed.

Second, do you want a short or long ramp? A long ramp creates a more gradual incline, which makes the loading process easier. But it does require more loading space.

Third, what is your scooter's ground clearance? Models that are higher off of the ground can handle a steeper ramp. Models that are low to the ground, however, could get damaged on a steep ramp.

The Loading Process

Start by securing your ramp with security straps or ratchet straps. This keeps your scooter from causing the ramp to move, which can result in damage to your vehicle.

Next, get your scooter up the ramp. While you could ride it up, this approach brings unnecessary risks of harm to yourself and your vehicle. A better approach is to walk your scooter up the ramp.

Once your scooter is loaded up in the truck bed, you will want to secure it in place. Use a chock, such as a 2X4, to keep the wheels straight. You'll also want restraints, such as ratchet or cam-buckle straps, to tie your scooter down. When you finish securing your scooter, double check your work to ensure nothing needs adjustment.

The last step is to load up your ramp. You'll need to secure it so that it won't move about during travel and risk damaging your scooter. If you are traveling with someone else, see if you can keep the ramps in their truck bed.

We hope you found these scooter transportation tips useful! If your scooter needs repairs or parts replaced before your next ride, bring it to the service department at our Lake City dealership. We can get your scooter repaired and ready for the road in no time. We also offer scooters for sale if you're looking to buy. Whatever you need, you can find with us! Interstate Cycles proudly serves those in Jacksonville and Gainesville.