A UTV, or side-by-side, can be a great resource on hunting trips. If you’re going over difficult terrain, loading up gear, or transporting game, UTVs are invaluable machines to have on any trip. It's easy to understand why many hunters invest in these vehicles, but it’s important to identify your personal needs when it comes to choosing your side-by-side. 

Here are a few tips for finding your perfect UTV for hunting! 

Consider Physical Needs

Look for a UTV that suits your strength level. You don't want to get a model that’s too heavy and large for you to control, because it will inevitably lead to more stress in the long run. 

Additionally, take your height and arm span into consideration. Shorter riders will want to avoid stretching and straining to reach the controls, while taller riders won’t want to hunch down to fit. Make sure to test drive any side-by-sides you are considering to ensure they match your physical capabilities!

Consider the Terrain 

Think about where you plan on hunting. If your destinations mostly consist of compact soil and grass, then any standard UTV model should work great. But some terrains, such as sand or mud, offer unique challenges. In these cases, search for a model designed for rougher ground or invest in after-market parts to make the model well-suited for harsh terrain. 

For example, if you will be pushing over rocks and other obstacles, seek out UTVs with a high enough ground clearance, so as not to scrape or damage your side-by-side. On the other hand, if you plan on going along width-restricted trails, find a model that is compact and narrow. Consider the features you need carefully, and shop accordingly! 

Consider the Noise Level

While UTVs can prove extremely helpful during hunting trips, the roar of an engine is not always ideal for catching game. The noise level of a side-by-side can easily scare away animals, making it much more difficult to hunt and stay focused. 

Try to seek out UTV models that run quieter. For additional help, you can also invest in aftermarket parts to help reduce the noise that the model generates! 

Make your next hunting trip the most successful one yet! Purchase your UTV at Interstate Cycles, located in Lake City, Florida. We also proudly serve Jacksonville, Gainesville, and surrounding areas.