There are multiple aspects to motorcycle riding. First, you have the basics of mastering your bike. Then, you have the ability to navigate your way over roads. And finally, you have the unwritten rules of motorcycle etiquette that experienced riders will expect you to know. Because these rules are more subtle and not typically taught by a motorcycle riding class, it can be hard to pick up on them, so here is our advice.

Never Touch Another’s Bike

You learn as a child that you should not touch other people’s possessions without asking them first, but sometimes, you can forget this in adulthood. For some reason, people tend to forget this when it comes to motorcycles, and they think that they have leave to touch a stranger’s or a friend’s bike without asking. You don’t! Always ask the owner of a motorcycle before you touch it. You don’t want to be rude, and you also don’t want to accidentally damage the bike.

Acknowledge Fellow Riders

Whenever you pass another motorcyclist on the street or the highway, it’s polite to give a quick wave or a nod of your head to them. Ignoring other bikers is seen as rude, and it takes almost no effort to acknowledge another motorcyclist.

Don’t Be a Hoon

“Hoon,” short for “hooligan,” is a common slang term among motorcyclists for a reckless rider who makes everyone else look bad with their actions. Hoons are riders who don’t wear a helmet, who ride on the shoulder, who weave through traffic, and who take undue risks that put themselves and other motorists in danger. Make sure that you’re being a responsible rider and no one will look down on you or call you a hoon.

Stop by our dealership in Lake City, FL, today to check out our amazing stock of new and used motorcycles for sale. We can also assist you with financing your motorcycle purchase; just talk to one of our sales team members to learn more. Interstate Cycles is proud to serve the cities of Jacksonville and Gainesville, FL.