Many ATV owners prefer to take their quads out during warmer weather. However, extreme heat comes at a cost. Even if you keep yourself hydrated and protected from the sun, your ATV can still suffer from heat-related damage and even break down. That is why the experts at Interstate Cycles have created this guide to maintaining your ATV during hot weather.


Since the coolant’s purpose is to prevent your ATV from overheating, properly maintaining your coolant system can go a long way toward protecting your ATV from heat damage. Our recommendation is that you check your coolant either every 20,000 miles that the vehicle travels, or every 500 hours of operation, whichever comes first. While making sure that you have enough coolant is important, don’t forget to check the coolant itself is free of discoloration and debris as well.

Air Intake

Your ATV’s engine requires a mixture of air and fuel in order to function. If dirt or debris starts to clog up your air intake, it will force your engine to work harder and thus produce more heat. Luckily, regularly checking and cleaning your filters can help you prevent this problem. You should also double-check that all your hoses are tightly fitted and free of leaks.


Your ATV’s tires have to withstand a lot of punishment, so you should be monitoring them year-round. However, hot weather can cause your tires to expand, greatly increasing the odds that you will suffer a blowout. Use a tire gauge to make sure that your ATV’s tires stay within the manufacturer-recommended pressure.

Watch for Overheating

The warmer the weather is, the easier it will be for your ATV to overheat. If your temperature gauge indicates a problem, pull over and let your ATV cool down. If your ATV seems too quick to overheat, this might indicate an underlying problem. We recommend scheduling a service appointment.

To shop our selection of ATVs and other powersports vehicles, visit Interstate Cycles in Lake City, Florida. We also offer financing, parts, and servicing, so visit us for all your powersports needs. We are proud to serve the northern Florida area, including communities like Gainesville and Jacksonville, Florida.